Day 2 of 365 Days of Mindfulness | Yee See Life

My mindfulness practice for Jan. 1st was to start a journal to note down feelings. I wrote a 7,000 words recap of 2015 (but sorry for English readers, it’s in Chinese). I stayed in a small local coffee shop for a whole afternoon and was writing non-stop. Gawd that felt good! I haven’t been writing for a long time for some reason. And I never actually missed writing until that moment.

After I finished the whole thing, I stepped out of the cafe and felt completely different. It’s almost creepy. I felt much lighter, both physically and mentally, as if I have put down packages that I have been carrying for a whole year. The air smell somewhat different. I have a strong and definite feeling that I am here, at this present. Is it weird? I feel like just woke up from a long and stressful bad dream. And everything is new and refreshed.


So the 365 Days of Mindfulness is off a great start to me. I am feeling really excited for the following excersices.

And here is the practice for tomorrow:

Jan. 2nd: Sort out old clothes – take them to a charity shop and visualize an updated, decluttered you for the new year. 

This sounds like it’s designed for me. I don’t even want to glance at my wardrobe now. Digging out outfit every single morning is a pain in the ass for me. And for that reason I ended up wearing the same clothes for the last month. (Don’t worry I DO wash them before they start to smell funny). Hope it could be sorted out tomorrow.

Speaking of wardrobe, I am currently trying out the project called Capsule Wardrobe. It’s simply means having minimum piece of clothes for one season, pre-planning, and no shopping after it’s done. It’s quite fun to do and makes my life a lot easier. I was introduced to this idea by Anna from Vivianna Does Makeup. She has a full information and reflection about this in her blog. And here is a workbook for that project done by another blogger Unfancy.

So I will keep you update tomorrow! And until then, have a nice 2nd of Jan because it is as special as the 1st!

Oh, P.S. here is a fun piece to read at this time of the year from Gramsci:

Yee See


Day 2 of 365 Days of Mindfulness | Yee See Life

6 thoughts on “Day 2 of 365 Days of Mindfulness | Yee See Life

    1. Thanks Anne! Yeah that’s a great feeling that I missed for the past several years. I stopped writing (keeping journals and stuff, nothing big) a long time ago. Now I feel great being able to note down my feelings again. 😉


  1. I know that feeling! Writing down everything that flows in your mind is therapeutic for some of us. I used to have a personal blog and it was really useful for this purpose. Sometimes I feel the need to create again a new space of mine where I can put down in words my thoughts. The problem is that if I do something, I care too much about every little detail and this means high maintenance for this kind of project, but I don’t have time for it, especially now that I’ve opened another kind of blog ( if you want to check it). Anyway, sorry for my rambling comment, love your mindfulness project and if you succeed in it for 365 days you’ll become my hero 🙂


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    1. Omg what a nice comment! Thanks Carolina! It’s such a good feeling to get someone like you totally understand how I feel about writing! And yes sometimes if I worry too much about polishing the words and make it perfect, it will become another stressful task again. Especially when english is not my first language, I can make seriously embarrassing mistake in choosing words sometimes. But now I just want to have fun writing stuff and stop caring too much about how perfect the quality is. I think as long as I’m sincere with my words its still valuable. And finally, I will try as hard as I can to keep doing this project until the end of this year. Its a promise I made to myself and now also to you! YOU HAVE MY WORDS. Xx.


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