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每個學期中,英國的大學會放一個星期的假用來專門讀書和做功課,名曰Reading Week。而每個學期的這一週都是我最恐懼的噩夢。因為我是個沒有自控力的人,不配擁有任何假期。




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A Breakfast Meeting with British Museum and Sotheby’s

About a month ago, I was shocked by the fact that my Master program is coming to an end already. It feels like it has just started yesterday. Suddenly I need to think about what to do next. I started to search for jobs.

The Career centre of LSE provides opportunities of meeting people from the industry that you want to work in on a Friday breakfast meeting. So I signed up. The first one is about consultancy. I missed because of a typical reason – overslept. This week I finally made it.

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A Breakfast Meeting with British Museum and Sotheby’s



星期六晚,一早跟幾個女友約了去Shoreditch的一間地下雞尾酒吧喝酒。這間雞尾酒吧是一個月前一個Dating App上認識的廣告業電影愛好男要約我去的。但Online Dating這種事就是這樣:如果兩天內沒有轉化為線下的關係,彼此早就已經找到新的對象了。

地下雞尾酒吧客滿,我和另一位女友因為急尿,不想再等,於是在周圍亂轉,看看有什麼新鮮去處。Huxton Square周圍酒吧很多,我們隨便找了一家進去,是另一間在地下室的糜爛好去處。


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Relaaaaax…..| 4 of 365 Mindfulness Practices


Today’s practice is….”relax”.

Jan. 3rd: An affirmation is a quiet reminder repeated to yourself as you go about your day; let today’s affirmation be ‘relax’.

When I saw this, I feel impossible. Leading a typical graduate student life, I have 3 essays due in 2 weeks, added up 15,000 words to write. Well, How can I be relaxed? I can repeat it a million times but still feel so stressed up that I want to pull off all my hair. (If there is still any left… )

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Relaaaaax…..| 4 of 365 Mindfulness Practices

3/365 Mindfulness Practices | Yee See Life


< Canon EF Film Camera, Kodak UltraMax 400 Color Negative Film (35mm Roll Film, 36 Exposures)>


First of all, Thanks for everybody who commented on my post yesterday. I never thought of getting noticed in such a short time. Some of you even shared your own experience of mindfulness practice and writing. I appreciate all your lovely words so much. Now I can understand why people always call it “the blog community”. So far I’m very glad I decided to do this.

Today’s mindfulness practice is to sort out the wardrobe. Actually, I have already been doing something for my wardrobe since October. The Capsule Wardrobe. This has changed the fate of my always exploding wardrobe. The magic of this project is, you own a lot less of pieces but they will make endless outfit options that look fab on you…

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3/365 Mindfulness Practices | Yee See Life

Day 2 of 365 Days of Mindfulness | Yee See Life

My mindfulness practice for Jan. 1st was to start a journal to note down feelings. I wrote a 7,000 words recap of 2015 (but sorry for English readers, it’s in Chinese). I stayed in a small local coffee shop for a whole afternoon and was writing non-stop. Gawd that felt good! I haven’t been writing for a long time for some reason. And I never actually missed writing until that moment.

After I finished the whole thing, I stepped out of the cafe and felt completely different. It’s almost creepy. I felt much lighter, both physically and mentally, as if I have put down packages that I have been carrying for a whole year. The air smell somewhat different. I have a strong and definite feeling that I am here, at this present. Is it weird? I feel like just woke up from a long and stressful bad dream. And everything is new and refreshed.


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Day 2 of 365 Days of Mindfulness | Yee See Life

365 Days of Mindfulness Practice | Yee See Life

Hello 2016 😉

I always love new years. This is the time when everybody feels encouraged and refreshed no matter how good or bad last year was. Every face on the street are filled with hope and wishes, every step is light and bouncy. Although from philosophy we all know that time is actually a lie, and years and months are actually created by people for the only purpose of making record (for agriculture maybe?)

Although from philosophy we all know that time is actually a lie, and years and months are actually created by people for the only purpose of making records (for agriculture maybe?). But let’s be honest, who need philosophy now?  Having a brand new start is always a delightful present of the New Year.

This year, I want to do something new….

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365 Days of Mindfulness Practice | Yee See Life